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Rumor: The next Playstation Showcase will be in May

We are now approaching that wonderful time of the year when all the big players run their events and show glimpses of upcoming games as well as announce a few new things. In the next few months, we can look forward to the Xbox Showcase, Ubisoft Forward, Summer Game Fest and if the journalist Jeff Grubb is right, then also the Playstation Showcase in May, where Sony has not yet announced a date.

It’s in a recently released episode of Giant Bomb’s podcast Game Mess Mornings that Grubb says that the Playstation Showcase will most likely run in May this time. Grubb has also previously stated that Sony would like to run it before Summer Game Fest, which starts on June 8th. He reserves himself, however, that there is a possibility that it will be moved up to June as well, but it will apparently lean mostly towards Sony running sometime in May.

The Playstation Showcase will of course be cancelled, so we are now really only waiting for an official confirmation from Sony with the exact date of the event.

What do you think we might see at the Playstation Showcase this year?
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