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Rush of visitors at the Kolibri reopening

Hundreds of ice cream fans did not miss the reopening in glorious weather.

Wolfurt. Now the last stage in the renovation of the venerable building on Kehlhofstrasse in the center of Wolfurt has been completed by the new owner, Schadenbauer Projekt- und Quartiersentwicklungs GmbH. This concerned the Kolibri ice cream parlour. After a conversion period of several months, the owner Katarina Rankovic and her team invited to the reopening. Hundreds of visitors didn’t need to be asked twice to attend this event, which had to be postponed by a week due to the weather and now took place in early summer temperatures and bright sunshine.

In addition to the latest creations of cool delicacies, ice cream fans from near and far were also delighted with delicious Belgian waffles and pizza from Pizzaiolo Simo and his crew. There were great prizes to be won on the wheel of fortune, the proceeds of which go to the Vorarlberg Children’s Village. The little ice cream lovers got their money’s worth with face painting and the hands-on circus by the members of the Dornbirn Circus School. There was a relaxed atmosphere in the center of Wolfurt throughout the day.

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