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Russia attacks the Odesa region with drones and causes a fire in the port

Russia attacks the Odesa region with drones and causes a fire in the port

After abandoning the agreement that allowed Ukraine to export grain to global markets through the city of Odessa, Russia has attacked the country’s ports. Since July 17, Kremlin forces have fired dozens of drones and missiles at the port of Odessa and the region’s river docks, used as alternate routes.

“The target of the enemy was clearly the port and industrial infrastructure facilities in the region,” the operational command of southern Ukraine wrote in a Facebook message. As a result of the operation, a fire broke out at industrial and port facilities, and a grain elevator sustained damage.

The Ukrainian Air Force intercepted 23 Shahed drones across the country overnight, according to its morning report, mostly in Odessa and kyiv.

All 10 drones fired over kyiv were intercepted, said Serhii Popko, head of the capital’s municipal government. Numerous explosions were heard overnight as the air defense systems were activated. Debris from the downed drones hit three districts of the city and caused damage to a non-residential building, Popko added.

“Russian terrorists have again attacked ports, grain facilities and global food security,” the country’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a Telegram post Wednesday morning. “The world must respond.”

According to the president, some of the drones hit their targets and the “most significant damage” was recorded in southern Ukraine.

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