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“Russia has spread like a cancer in the German system”

The expulsion of Russian diplomats from Germany is also causing a stir in the USA. “Berlin confronts Russian spies hiding in plain sight,” reads the latest headline in the New York Times. The Foreign Office is keeping a low profile, but conceded that the withdrawal of numerous diplomats was related to the “reduction of the Russian secret service presence in Germany”. Security experts see this as an effort to strengthen German counter-espionage and to reduce the apparently extremely high number of Russian spies.

But many also have doubts about Berlin’s new attitude – like the CIA expert John Sipher, who is one of the most experienced secret service experts in the USA. As CIA officer in charge of Russia operations, he directed assignments in Moscow that were considered highly dangerous. For 28 years he was an agent trainer and held management positions in counterintelligence. Together with secret services from other Western countries, he was responsible for missions in Europe and Asia until 2017.

“To take action here and there – the Russian secret services interpret that as a weakness”

FOCUS online: The federal government now seems to be taking tougher action against Russian espionage. Is that really the case or is it political PR?

John Sipher: Probably a bit of both. Germany and its secret services have certainly taken the threat from Moscow more seriously since the Ukraine war. And moves like expelling diplomats naturally annoy the Kremlin. It is extremely important to continue to crack down on Russian agents, because they don’t give up.

They are guaranteed not to deviate from their decades-long political warfare. Taking action here and there – the Russian secret services only interpret that as a weakness. It really encourages them to keep going. The Kremlin responds only to unrelenting harshness.

How are spies exposed – such as the recent case of the BND agent who was exposed as a mole for Moscow?

Cipher: There’s a saying among agents: only a mole can catch another mole. Normally, spies in a government are exposed by spies from their own ranks. Uncovering double agents is part of professional counter-espionage.

In the last case, I suspect that there was close cooperation with the intelligence services of other countries. In the past, the German secret services were not taken seriously at all by their partners when it came to Russia. Things have changed since the Ukraine war. The Germans apparently cooperate more closely with the intelligence services of other Western countries. This is what many allies have long hoped for from Germany as the most important country in Europe.

Espionage expert: “Nobody took the BND seriously when it came to Russia”

What is Germany’s biggest counterintelligence challenge against Russia?

Cipher: The main problem is that Russian agents have been able to operate in Germany for so long without major obstacles. Moscow had a free hand here for years, using the time to recruit agents, bribe officials and businessmen, infiltrate fringe groups and communication channels. Russia has spread like a cancer in the German system. The current steps are now initiating a healing process.

Describe your work experiences with the German agents.

Cipher: I was mainly responsible for counterintelligence against Russia and also in Moscow. Many of my colleagues had to do with Germany. When it came to Russia, nobody took the BND seriously as a partner – neither the USA nor other Western services, since the BND deliberately turned a blind eye to the Russians.

The war in Ukraine could change that, because German politicians seem to be changing their attitude towards Moscow. All allied secret services would be very happy about that.

Russia likes to go one better when espionage is discovered

How will the Kremlin react to the new German position?

Cipher: The Russians always want to go one step further if they are caught spying. Then they counter with vile threats and intimidation to convince politicians that messing with Russia is simply not worth it.

This strategy worked for a long time – too long. Moscow knew that Western leaders would never really punish the Kremlin and it was easy to get back to business as usual.

How do you explain Berlin’s longstanding lax attitude?

Cipher: Russia has considered Germany to be Europe’s most important nation. Moscow’s goal has always been to corrupt the Germans and distance them from the United States by any conceivable means. They also had spies, bribed businessmen and politicians and spread lies.

Through decades of spreading misinformation, they have partially succeeded in portraying the United States as untrustworthy and Russia as a competent partner. Hopefully the war crimes in Ukraine will now show the Germans the true colors of the Kremlin.

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