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Russia: MGIMO University offers scholarships for Algerian students

Many Algerian students prefer to continue their university studies abroad. However, faced with the inflation that the world is currently experiencing, the costs related to studies continue to increase, and some of these students give up this dream.

While these people abandon their travel plans, others resort to scholarships offered by universities and higher education establishments at the international level. Indeed, these scholarships give these students the opportunity to cover all the expenses related to studies abroad. Among the countries that currently offer scholarships for Algerian students, Russia.

Russia offers scholarships for Algerians

This time, it is Russia’s turn to take an interest in Algerian students. Indeed, the affiliated MGIMO University under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has formulated a scholarship proposal for the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

In addition, this scholarship offer concerns Algerian undergraduate students. In particular, in the following specialties:

  • International relationships ;
  • Foreign Area Studies;
  • Economics and Law ;
  • Journalism;
  • Advertising and public relations;
  • National and local administration;
  • Public administration :
  • Finance and credit.

Students who have won this scholarship will have the opportunity to pursue their Master’s degree. In particular for a period of two years in Russia. The Russian university MGIMO informs all Algerian students interested in this offer that the deadline for submitting applications is set for May 10, 2023.

As for the information about the content and the application file, all the details can be found on the official website of the Russian university MGIMO (click here).


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