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Russia praised the progress made by the Petro government in terms of peace at the UN and criticized the Duque administration

Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s representative at the UN, highlighted the progress made by the Petro government in terms of peace. (Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations)

With a saber including the government of former president Iván Duque, The representative of Russia in the United Nations Organization (UN), Vassily Nebenzia, praised the management in terms of peace in Colombia of the President of the Republic, Gustavo Francisco Petro, in the session of the Security Council that took place on Wednesday, January 11, where progress in the implementation of the peace agreement with the extinct FARC guerrilla was reviewed.

“The new authorities in Colombia have done more for reconciliation in six months than the old administration in four years,” expressed the diplomat during his speech.

He also highlighted the work of the new president on issues such as agrarian reform, the reintegration processes of ex-combatants, the initiatives that are processed in the Legislature for the construction of peace, although he indicated that the process continues.

“As the Colombians themselves point out, there is still much to do. Particular attention should be paid to the safety of activists (social leaders) and former FARC members, as well as crop substitution programsand strengthen the authority of the State at the local level”, he stated.

Nebenzia recognized the importance of the National government reestablishing diplomatic relations with Venezuela that are historical and of vital importance to achieve peace and sustainable development in the country, as well as He stressed that President Petro has been in Caracas.

Nevertheless, He again criticized the government of former President Duque and described it as a mistake that relations were broken during his administration with the neighboring country.

“History has shown the futility and the fallacy of the myopic attempts of the previous Colombian authorities to isolate and turn their backs on the brotherly people”, added.

And on the same subject he stated that the reestablishment of relations will have a positive effect for the region on immigration issues, the controls of the authorities at the border, and combating transnational crime, as well as drug trafficking.

Finally, the Russian representative at the UN He described as positive that the Petro government is working to achieve an end to violence with the rest of the illegal groups that commit crimes in the country and maintained that these actions deserve international support. especially since a ceasefire was achieved with four of these criminal structures, so I advise establishing mechanisms to verify it.

Furthermore, he stated that Your country is willing to provide support to the peace process carried out with the ELN, after the approaches of the new National administration with that insurgent group.

“If they request the Council’s support from Bogota, we are willing to consider various options for international support for the eventual agreement,” added.

The last time that Russia intervened on the issue of the implementation of the peace agreement in Colombia was in April 2022 and they disqualified the management of the then president, Iván Duque, from which they pointed out that with his legal peace policy he did not have the capacity to protect the lives of ex-combatants, he reported in the newspaper Briefcase of Nebenzia’s statements in that case.

“We do not rely on subjective opinions. These conclusions are based on the report presented for this meeting. The main problem remains that the government has not been able to guarantee the physical security of the signatories of the agreement.”, they quoted from the statements of the Russian diplomat.

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