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Russian sources report: Ukrainian troops may have advanced to the east bank of the Dnipro

Russian sources indicate that in the Kherson region, the Ukrainian army has seized areas east of the Dnipro River. That writes the “Institute for the Study of War” (ISW) in his daily report.

The ISW bases its assumption on reports of a correspondent of the Russian newspaper “Isvestia”. He had reported skirmishes between the Ukrainian and Russian armies from an area east of the Dnipro River. A Russian military blogger circulated the post.

If this report is correct, then the Ukrainian army has successfully managed to cross from the west bank to the east bank of the Dnipro River. However, the ISW has no further evidence of this.

After the Ukrainian counter-offensive in Cherson, the Russian army retreated to positions east of the Dnipro River in early November. Since then, both armies have faced each other on the Dnipro.

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