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S/600 bonus for public sector workers: What is missing for the disbursement to be made?

S/600 bonus for public sector workers: What is missing for the disbursement to be made?
Minutes signed on June 30 also indicate a permanent monthly salary increase of S/100.
To access the S/600 Bonus, you must have an employment relationship as of June 30, 2023. Photo: Andina
  • Have a labor relationship as of June 30, 2023
  • In the case of national government entities and regional governments, beneficiary personnel must be registered in the Computer Application for the Centralized Registry of Payrolls and Data of Public Sector Human Resources (AIRSHP) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).
  • The municipal worker must appear in the Electronic Form (PDT Plamee) that is in charge of the Ministry of Labor and Promotion of Employment (MTPE).
S/600 bonus is for CAS regimes, civil service law, special public penitentiary career, diplomatic service and legislative decrees 276 and 728. Photo: Andina
Government and confederations of state workers signed a Collective Agreement at the Centralized level 2023-2024 in June. Photo: PCM
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