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Saints Row is not dead and is making its way to 2023

Saints Row can boast of having loyal fans. The title of Volition has found the road to the soul of the fans, failing to find that of the heart of the critics. Last fall, the development studio proudly revealed in an official press release that it had managed to convince over a million players. A nice score that has undoubtedly allowed Volition to continue to hold the helm towards 2023. The roadmap just unveiled for the coming year concerning Saints Row aims to be rich in content, with a program of festivities, crossover with another Deep Silver license, DLCs, and a big technical update.

Hit the Row Jack

The cosmetic pack dedicated to Dead Island 2 will be the first to be welcomed in the lands of Saints Row. This free extension will be available on April 11, and will allow players to dress their avatar in the image of Amy or Jacob from Dead Island 2. A brand new weapon will also enrich the title, thanks to a system called “shock and awe”.

In May will be delivered the most important update for Saints Row. Volition will then integrate Sunshine Springs, a brand new neighborhood for the fictional town of Santo Ileso. The developers promise serious quality of life changes in the game, an improved combat system, and a new Selfie mode, which the whole Earth was obviously waiting for. Owners of the expansion pass will receive the DLC at the same time.The Heist & The Hazardous“, including three new missions in the tier-quar de Sunshine Springs.

The third phase of deployment will take place in July, with the arrival of the mysterious “Doc Ketchum’s Murderous Circus“, a new single player mode for which the studio has not yet revealed any information. This DLC, included in the expansion pass, will be accompanied by a new update free technology. August will close the march with a final expansion pack, including new solo missions, the addition of additional enemies, and new cosmetic items. This should come along with a free update, which will include a new sector, and a lot of technical improvements.

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