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Saints Row looks to be on its way to Steam

Volition’s reboot of Saints Row got a rather lukewarm reception and rightly so, it didn’t quite live up to expectations and was full of bugs and issues when it was released. However, that doesn’t mean the developer has somehow abandoned it and now it looks like the game is headed to Steam.

Since the release in August last year, you have had to turn to the Epic Games Store if you wanted to play it on PC. Recently, however, SteamDB page which was previously called Project Athena has been renamed to Saints Row, which may indicate that it will be coming to Steam in the fairly near future. It is then likely that it was limited time exclusive to Epic Games for a year.

Saints Row is also available for Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series S/X. If you want more, the first expansion will be released on May 9th and more updates can be expected during the year.

Admittedly, anything can happen in Saints Row.
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