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Sales of the new Zelda are set to be historic in France

Barely released, the new opus of the saga is already panicking sales. Fnac is expecting the biggest gaming launch in its history.

“It was huge.” On Friday at midnight, the Fnac Saint-Lazare store in Paris exceptionally opened its doors in the middle of the night to welcome Zelda fans. Because it is this May 12 that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was launched with great fanfare, after largely convincing the critics.

“That night was completely crazy” enthuses Charlotte Massicault, director of multimedia and gaming products for Fnac-Darty, who expects with this game the “biggest launch in the history of gaming” for her group. ‘expects 110,000 sales by the end of the weekend,’ she explains.

FIFA battu par Link?

In comparison, the FIFA franchise, the best-selling annual video game, generally sells 300,000 copies on its first weekend of operation. With a few differences: FIFA comes out a little before Christmas and on several consoles. Zelda achieves this feat by turning only the Nintendo Switch.

Over the year, Charlotte Massicault therefore imagines one of the biggest sales of the year: “1.2 million units sold or even 1.5 million” when the current record held by FIFA23 is around 1.7 million games sold. , across all platforms.

But the football franchise being overhauled this year, following the end of the contract between the publisher Electronic Arts and FIFA, Zelda has every chance of holding the annual record.

In the meantime, France could even experience some availability problems at the beginning of next week if the success continues at this rate. “Fingers crossed” slips Charlotte Massicault who wants to be reassuring all the same: Nintendo had planned success.

Thomas Leroy Journalist BFM Business

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