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Salmonellosis cases increase by 75% in Yucatan

According to the National Epidemiological Surveillance System of the Ministry of Health in Yucatan, salmonellosis cases in Yucatan have increased by 75%.

According to the health authorities, the main reason is due to the increase in temperatures that exceed 40 degrees Celsius, for which an increase in cases of said disease is reported by 75 percent compared to last year.

Most cases are caused by consuming contaminated food.

The report indicated that in the week 12 of this year, 61 cases were registered compared to last year, which were 40 cases.

Of the 61 current cases, 23 were men and 39 women, however, it stands out that the last six cases were registered in the last week.

At the national level, Yucatán is at number 16 on the list, Chiapas being first with 2,651 cases, followed by Veracruz, which reports 2,258 cases, and Tabasco with 849 cases.

Salmonellosis increases in hot season

Salmonella cases are produced by the bacterium Salmonella Enteritis.

According to the doctor José Barrera, the hot season generally increases gastrointestinal problems, due to the increase in temperatures.

In the case of stomach ailments, they are caused mainly by bacteria, viruses or parasites such as salmonellosis, which mostly enter the body by eating or drinking contaminated food.

The specialist stressed that salmonellosis is one of the causes of the most frequent digestive disorders in summer and is caused by the Salmonella Enteritis bacterium, present in a large number of foods, especially raw products, eggs, meat and dairy products.

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