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Salvadorans go to vote in New York

Salvadorans go to vote in New York

The presidential elections in El Salvador are taking place today, for the first time in its history in the midst of a state of exception. And here in our city, Salvadoran migrants gathered for election day.

Since early this morning, voters attended several of the enabled points.

One of the busiest is The Grand Ballroom located in the Marriiot hotel at LaGuardia Airport.

According to polls, it is believed that current President Nayib Bukele will win re-election.

Despite questions about his candidacy for contravening the constitutional prohibition that prevents immediate re-election, Bukele enjoys a high percentage of popularity among Salvadorans compared to the other five candidates for power.

This is what we were able to verify from a voting center in Queens.

“A president was not allowed to be re-elected, but the constitution approved it because the president had done a good job. As a Salvadoran, I am more than happy that this has happened since the constitution has been changed so that the president has the option to be re-elected,” said Miguel Calderón, a Salvadoran voter.

“He does what is best for the country, he has done everything that no one has done in more than 30 years,” said Myrna Cajas, another Salvadoran voter.

“Today, this morning that we have presented ourselves here, all the people are motivated, and it is a unique experience for the people who have been able to do it for the first time,” said Santos Soriano, a Salvadoran voter.

In El Salvador, with more than 80 percent of the voting intention, according to three recent surveys from two universities and the Fundaungo organization, the president vastly leads his opponents, who have achieved percentages of less than 5 percent.

Remember that you can still vote until 5 pm today.

If your identity document has an address outside of El Salvador, you can pay in

On the other hand, if your document has an address in El Salvador or you only have a passport, you will have to go to cast your vote in person at the Marriott hotel at LaGuardia Airport or at the Ideal Glass Studios in Manhattan.

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