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Sami traditions benefit from war and climate crisis

There are those who fear that Sami craft traditions, such as weaving shoelaces, will be lost in the future. What was learned in a natural way in the past, many learn today in study circles.

Benefit from expensive times

Tradition bearer Per Huuva has written a book about food and eating habits and is not worried that the knowledge of the traditions will disappear.

– People are interested. This with war, electricity prices and the like… You have to go back now, when everything is so expensive to buy, he answers the question from the presenter Anncatrin Stenberg Partapuoli.

Knowledge of the climate

Helena Omma highlights the climate crisis as another major threat where the Sami tradition can help.

– It has been shown that the indigenous people have a lot of knowledge, and it must be used more if we are to cope with, for example, climate change, she says.

Nor does craftswoman and crafts teacher Lise Tapio Pittja believe that the traditions will disappear completely. But there are threats, she says.

Solution in Funäsdalen

– I am thinking of young people and Sámi who do not acquire that knowledge naturally. They have already lost it and I worry about how they will get it back.

In Funäsdalen, a solution has been found. There is an association that organizes meetings where people in the local area share their knowledge, and the program shows a report from there.

Don’t miss “15 minutes from Sápmi” today, Saturday, at 16.05 in SVT2.

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