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Samsung voice assistant, will take your calls and speak for you – Merca2.0 Magazine |

  • In 2020, 126 million speakers were sold in the world.

  • It is expected that by 2024 8.4 billion assistants will be used.

  • Alexa was born in 2014 by Amazon, an eCommerce giant.

The use of Artificial Intelligence and other technologies are revolutionizing brands, which are applying this to their new products. Recently, it was announced that Samsung will apply the voice assistant of its new smartphones to take calls and speak for people.

Voice assistants are not a new technology, since this type of software, created so that we can carry out daily operations through voice commands, has already been on the market for some time. These computer programs use artificial intelligence and machine learning to recognize our language and carry out the activities that we request.

Given this, there are a large number of voice assistants in the world market, but the most famous is Alexa, which since its creation has registered millions of users around the world. Data from Business Wire indicates that the rapid penetration of this type of device and software in the technology market is very striking, so that in 2024 it is expected to register a use of 8.4 billion attendees worldwide.

Samsung voice assistant

The technology company developed a function that will allow you to respond via text, but the recipient will receive everything in audio, thanks to its voice assistant.

The company maintains that with the virtual assistant Bixby, it adds this tool to the company’s cell phones with the update of its OneUI 5.1 system.

According to Samsung, which is a leader in smartphone sales, the main objective of this tool is to answer calls through text and have the assistant read them with the user’s voice.

This voice assistant also allows the option to answer calls by text, the voice assistant added a couple of new functions, such as using the timer, taking a screenshot or turning on the cell phone flashlight, without having to be connected to Internet.

With this new addition to its teams, the brand continues to show that it is committed to AI to improve the experience it provides to its users around the world, for which, according to data from its report, in 2021, it generated revenues of approximately 244 billion dollars.

As an example, brands like Amazon is a highly competitive brand in the technology sector that continues to amaze us with its innovations and use of AI.

Or also social networking companies such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, are using this technology to improve their systems and tools that they offer daily to their millions of users.

And this is how the consumer experience is improving broadly every time thanks to technology of this style, which is simplifying everyone’s life.

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