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San Juan de Miraflores: motorcycle taxi driver runs over motorcycle racketers to prevent assault and is shot

A heroic action that almost cost him his life. A few hours after celebrating the Christmas, The motorcycle taxi driver Jhon Manuel Peralta Merna, 32, was shot after trying to prevent two individuals aboard a linear motorcycle, who had previously assaulted a young passerby, from fleeing, in Saint John of Miraflores. The citizen insecurity seems to increase around those dates.

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The security cameras of an apothecary on Maximiliano Carranza avenue, on the corner with the 7th block of Miguel Iglesias, recorded the terrible events. First, two racketeers aboard a motorcycle appear and, upon seeing a young man, identified as Julio César Páucar (22), distracted by his cell phone, they approach him, point a gun at him and take his phone.

In the images you can see how another motorcycle taxi driver first appears on the scene, carrying a girl, and looks closely at everything. However, after being threatened by criminals, this transporter continues on his way.

But, when the thieves began to flee, Peralta Merna appeared, who had seen them stealing, decided to block their path and rammed the motorcycle with his license plate 5161-1C mototaxi. At that moment, the criminal who was armed took out his pistol and opened fire at point-blank range against the motorcycle taxi driver. The bullets hit the vehicle and his body.

The merchants in the area took him to the María Auxiliadora hospital, which fortunately is only a few meters from the scene of the incident, and thanks to medical intervention, he was released and is now recovering at home. “He was admitted with two entry and entry holes due to gunshot wounds and mild head trauma, apart from abdominal trauma,” he reported.

SEE ALSO: La Victoria: apothecary owner killed a criminal who entered to rob his business with two bullets


Peralta Merna was lucky he was discharged from the hospital and despite not wanting to provide statements for fear of reprisals, he mentioned that he requests that those responsible be found.

I have already been discharged from the hospital, it has not been serious. What I ask is that you help me because I need to work and look how my motorcycle has been, it was all destroyed, I ask that you capture the criminals”, specified the brave motorcycle taxi driver.


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