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San Juan: Peronism won almost the entire province, but JxC kept the mayor of the capital

The Frente de Todos swept the elections in San Juan, winning the elections in 15 of 19 departments of the province and obtaining more than 50% of the votes, against 36% for Juntos por el Cambio, which won the capital city , which was a Peronist stronghold.

In the elections, there was no election for governor and vice due to the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice last Tuesday to suspend the elections by means of a precautionary measure in that category to evaluate, as the opposition of the province proposed, the candidacy of Sergio Unacwho ran as a gubernatorial candidate for a new re-election, is unconstitutional.

The ruling party prevailed in almost the entire province, with the front made up of the candidates of Governor Uñac and former Governor Jose Luis Gioja the Frente de Todos won in the most populous departments such as Rawson and Chimbas.

In Greater San Juan, Justicialism won Rawson with To Carlos Munisa and Chimbas with grace rodriguezwhile in the most populated departments, the ruling party won in Pocito with Fabio Aballaycaucete with Romina Rosas and Iglesia, the mining capital, with George Mirror.

Last night, Albardón, Angaco and Sarmiento had not yet finished defining themselves, while in the smaller districts, such as Zonda, San Martín, Ullum, Valle Fértil, Calingasta and Jáchal, the Frente de Todos also devastated.

However, in San Juan capital, Cambia San Juan prevailed with more than 56% of the votes, adding all the sublemmas of that space, of which the one that came out first was the one led by the candidate Susana Laciarwho became the next local president and thus took the mayor’s office from the Peronist Emilio Baistrocchi.

In addition, the opposition won again in the two departments that it has governed for more than 10 years, Rivadavia with Sergio Miodwsky and Saint Lucia with Juan Jose Orrego.

After the arduous election day, Governor Uñac announced the results at a press conference at Government House, while Marcelo Orregofrom JxC, celebrated the triumph in the Capital and “El Flaco” José Luis Gioja ratified the victory of the justicialismo and promised to “give battle in the national elections”.

“We won 75% of the municipalities, we placed 75% of the deputies and the deliberative councils. We got 51% of the votes and Together for Change only 35 or 36%,” announced Uñac.

The governor charged again against the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and said that “We won in 14 or 15 departments on a historic electoral day that does not admit any margin of doubt”and affirmed “We placed 24 or 25 deputies of the 36 that make up the Chamber”because “the people of San Juan have expressed themselves clearly.”

“Everything we did, the Court took it on and gave San Juan legal insecurity and that tonight, in view of the expression of the people of San Juan, we do not have a governor and vice-elect,” said Uñac, who previously insisted that the maximum court “has twisted a lot of things, but it has not been able to twist the will of the people of San Juan”.

In this sense, he added that “it was a suspicious, extemporaneous decision, notified to the presenters, to the government, but not to the aforementioned, who is the citizen and candidate Sergio Uñac” and maintained that “What they have done is strengthened the unity of the people of San Juan who want to live in peace”.

For his part, the national deputy and ex-governor Gioja celebrated in his bunker that “We won in Chimbas and we won the province with the front that we integrated together with the government” and announced that “in August we are going to fight in the national election so that the Frente de Todos continues to win everywhere.”

Meanwhile, national deputy Orrego, leader of Together for Change in San Juan, said that “We made a very good choice that was disturbed by the irruption of the Court of Justice”.

He said that “with Fabián (Martín, candidate for lieutenant governor), we are going to prepare to dispute the governorship until the end when the election is enabled.”

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