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San Vicente: after handcuffing a couple, criminals took 1 million pesos and 20 thousand dollars | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Wednesday April 12, 2023 | 12:07 p.m.

Misiones Police officers are in the middle of an investigation into a robbery of a family in the town of San Vicente. Due to the fact, different units deployed a joint operation throughout the area to catch the criminals, who tied up a couple and stole cash from them.

According to the first investigations, the incident occurred in a house located at kilometer 994, when a 49-year-old man and his 31-year-old partner were approached by three unknown persons with their faces covered, who, after breaking into a side door, entered and intimidated them, handcuffing them. to both.

Subsequently, they searched the rooms of the house, seizing the sum of $1,000,000 pesos and $20,000 in cash, according to the victims, who also contributed that the criminals had firearms, then fled.

After the fact, a lock operation was started throughout the area to find the criminals. The victims were treated at the local hospital, presenting minor injuries and were also contained by the psychological cabinet of the provincial force.

The Scientific Police who carried out the corresponding skills and that the house had security cameras which would have been deactivated by the perpetrators of the robbery worked on the scene.

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