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Sandra Cuevas attacked Claudia Sheinbaum after an accident on subway line 3: “Corruption is taking lives”


after the unfortunate accident that occurred during the morning of this January 7 between the stations The Race and Paddock of the Metro Collective Transport System (STC) of Mexico City, Sandra Cuevas -Mayor of Cuauhtémoc- lashed out at Claudia Sheinbaum.

It was from your account Twitter where the official regretted the situation and mentioned that she went to the scene where two convoys collided.

“I went to the point where 2 metro trains collided, to support those affected with medical services. @Claudiashein’s corruption and anticipated campaign is taking lives.”wrote.

Similarly, Cuevas shared a video of approximately two minutes in which he condemned the events and urged the capital’s president to act appropriately.

*Information in development

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