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Sandra Cuevas threatens to break the alliance

Sandra Cuevas threatens to break the alliance

MEXICO CITY (apro).- Sandra Cuevas Nieves, mayor of Cuauhtémoc, ruled that she will continue with “Operation Diamond”, despite the suspension of four general directors of her cabinet, and warned the PAN-PRI-PRD: “Respect me or there will be a break in the alliance”.

The mayor made the statements this Thursday night, during a conference called at the last moment, after the Secretary of the Comptroller General (SCG) announced the temporary suspension of four public servants of said mayor’s office, related to the withdrawal of belongings for Operativo Diamante.

Cuevas Nieves assured: “If you do not want a break in the alliance, and I say it clearly, put those who are disrespectful still and still (…) not because it is new, not because it has been in politics for two years, they want to pass over me, because I have shown to be the opposition, and to be with the alliance in all and everything “.

From his office, he justified: “Because I respect their demarcations, I respect the authority of the national presidents, the presidents of Mexico City, the deputies, the mayors, and I have proven to be the true opposition of this City of Mexico”.

In addition, he reported that Operativo Diamante, which he heads, “will continue, because it is necessary to recover public spaces, it is necessary, it is essential to supervise the streets, it is necessary to be close to the people, the problems are in the street, not They’re in an office.”

He also accused that the suspension of the officials is unfounded: “Simply for continuing with this absurd political persecution, for continuing to put a foot in the government of the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office so that it does not give good results.”

“This government is run by me”

According to the SCG, on July 24, the Internal Control Body made visits to the General Directorate of Government and the Directorate of Markets and Public Highways of the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office, where “it was verified that the General Directorate of Government did not there is a record of any procedure that supports said withdrawals (of belongings); however, to date it has not been possible to carry out the verification in the Directorate of Markets and Public Highways, since, supposedly, there has not been any staff that can attend to it”.

The Secretariat specified, in an information card, that the suspended officials are the General Director of Citizen Security and Civil Protection, José Francisco Delgadillo Cadena; the Director of Civil Protection, Antony Daniel Finan Hernández; the Director of Markets and Public Highways and the person in charge of the office of the General Directorate of Government.

However, the Alliance official declared: “No matter how many directors suspend me, I am not interested at all, and I am not interested, not because I am not interested in the team, for me the whole team is like my family, it just seems to me that Some have not realized that this government is directed by me, the government of the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office is directed by Sandra Cuevas”.

Since the beginning of the operation, on June 19, Sandra Cuevas has generated controversy due to the mobilizations to which she appears with what appears to be a police uniform, driving ATVs and even using an electric saw to remove the pergolas from restaurant premises.

“Stop savoring the Cuauhtémoc”

The mayor Sandra Cuevas expressed her intention to “send a very clear message” and pronounced: “I do monthly surveys and Morena is not going to return to Cuauhtémoc, Morena is already out of Cuauhtémoc, and the person in charge of having removed Morena Cuauhtémoc’s name is Sandra Cuevas, that’s why so much persecution”.

He clarified that this message is also addressed to the opposition alliance: “If you do not want the alliance to break, respect the mayoress, Sandra Cuevas.”

The official presumed to be the woman who has faced President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the candidate for Morena’s presidential candidacy, Claudia Sheibaum Pardo.

He added: “Stop savoring Cuauhtémoc, because before another candidate for Cuauhtémoc can be chosen, if I decide to retire, I remind you that you must first listen if I want to be re-elected, in addition to the fact that of course I have a hand to the next mayor or mayoress, don’t get confused and don’t want to play”.

On Tuesday, August 1, the PRI deputy, Esther Silvia Sánchez Barrios, presented an Urgent and Obvious Resolution Point of Agreement, in which she calls on the demarcation to refrain from “violating the human rights of businessmen and workers in the public space.” , through Operation Diamond.

The president of the Economic Development Commission criticized the Cuevas Nieves operation: “It is repressive, it has become synonymous with abuse of power, it violates people’s human rights, as well as the rule of law, it has also served to steal, and It does not stop being arbitrary and authoritarian”.

He added that: “This operation, which Sandra Cuevas has led, is intimidating for the owners and employees of the different establishments, because the staff that accompanies the mayoress is aggressive and they destroy the belongings that they are removing, but they are also economically penalizes businessmen.”

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