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Santa Fe – City of Buenos Aires regional meeting to “deepen growth opportunities”

Referents and representatives of economic activities in Santa Fe participate this Monday in a regional meeting together with authorities of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

“The activity seeks to deepen the growth opportunities that the world is offering to Argentina. The idea is to discuss with the protagonists of the economy of each province, what we have to do internally to take advantage of this framework of opportunities that, in four to six years, we could double Argentine exports from five engines of growth: food , energy, mining, tourism and knowledge-based industries”, explained Fernando Straface Sec. General of International Relations of the Government of the city of Buenos Aires, who will be a speaker at the International Insertion Table.

“At the International Insertion Table that I am going to share with former Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie, we are going to talk about the knowledge sector, since the province of Santa Fe has one of the poles for the development of engineering and biotechnology knowledge, the second most important in Latin America and much envied by the rest of the world. The combination of productivity of the land, with the quality of human capital and knowledge, today means that one of every four dollars that Argentina exports leaves Santa Fe”, explained Straface.

The meeting is attended by representatives of different provincial productive sectors, such as dairy and agriculture and industries and officials from the city of Buenos Aires. The referents will meet at work tables where they will discuss issues of impact for the different economic sectors. In addition, at the meeting there will be a table of women leaders in the Santa Fe productive industry where they will share their experiences and trajectory to inspire in terms of leadership in the sector.

The objective of these meetings is to strengthen the link between the city of Buenos Aires and the regional economies. To this end, the meetings create work spaces with the private sector and civil society organizations to promote regional economic development and, in turn, debate and agree on proposals for reactivation and economic growth that generate greater investment.

The event will begin at 9.30 with the Dairy Table. Starting at 11:30 a.m. it will be the turn of the Agro Roundtable, at 3:00 p.m. the Ellas leaden Roundtable and at 5:00 p.m. it will be the turn of the International Insertion Roundtable for Development.

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