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Santa Fe was present at the 1st Federal Beekeeping Meeting in Chaco

The Ministry of Production, Science and Technology accompanied the presence of companies from Santa Fe at the 1st Federal Beekeeping Meeting, held from May 3 to 5 in Resistencia, Chaco. There, the companies participated in various proposals, such as guided tours, api-expo, cycle of beekeeping talks, national and international market business round. The meeting also hosted the meeting of the Beekeeping Advisory Committee.

The provincial government arranged an institutional stand for companies from Santa Fe at the api-expo, where they could promote their products such as living material, clothing and stamped wax. The companies Cabaña Jardín, from Malabrigo; Cabin CV, by Rafaela; Inducap, from Reconquista; and Cera Petean, from Reconquista; They stood out for the wide range of quality and price of their products, offered to beekeepers from all over the country who visited the event.

On the other hand, there were five SMEs from Santa Fe that participated in business rounds with national supermarket chains and buyers from the United States, Colombia and Arab countries, which allowed them to exhibit their products and contact their buyers directly. These are the firms Cosar, from Sauce Viejo; GEAS Group, from Rosario; Promiel, from Romang; Trebolar, from Sarmiento and Los Chañares Cooperative, from Tostado.

At the end of the day, the Provincial Director of Dairy and Beekeeping Production and representative of the Beekeeping Dialogue Table, Abel Zenklusen, highlighted “the importance of having participated with an institutional stand to promote honey from Santa Fe, input companies and marketing of products from the beehive and also the promotion of the Expo-Apícola Malabrigo, which will take place on May 12 and 13”.

To conclude, the official indicated that “in addition to the agenda items, which were very varied and of great interest to the sector, progress was made in the work proposal on issues of drum reuse and beekeeping insurance, demands that the Province promotes from the Provincial Dialogue Table”. And also, he highlighted “the participation and interest of different groups of beekeepers from the north of Santa Fe who attended the api-expo and the different talks, where the topics of technological and organizational innovation were widely sought.”


It is a space for meeting, training and exchange of experiences between the actors of the beekeeping sector that had the participation of 300 producers from Chaco, more than 100 producers from 18 provinces of the country, and technicians and producers from neighboring countries.

The purpose of this area is to promote the incorporation of innovation tools and new technologies, as well as market strategies and support for financing throughout the production chain.

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