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Santafesino died when the hang glider with which he was flying over Apóstoles fell to the ground

Thursday, February 9, 2023 | 4:58 p.m.

The fall was from about 50 meters high, at high speed. //Photo: Polmis.

The fall was from about 50 meters high, at high speed. //Photo: Polmis.

A 60-year-old man, identified as Hugo Ferreira and a native of the province of Santa Fe, lost his life this Thursday after falling into a vacuum when he was flying at an altitude of about 50 meters with his motorized hang glider.

According to official information, the fatal accident occurred around 11:30 a.m. in the vicinity of a field belonging to the flying club in the town of Apóstoles, located on Avenida Teniente Espinoza.

According to what was learned based on the testimonies of circumstantial witnesses, the man was flying over with the single-engine equipment and due to mechanical damage, he lost control, falling to the ground at high speed. The death occurred on the spot.

The victim was retired from the Air Force and had an address in the town of Reconquista. The Scientific Police of the VII Regional Unit was in charge of the planimetric work at the scene of the event and the Investigating Court 4 of Apóstoles intervenes.

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