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Sao Paulo Forum meets in Honduras to impose more socialism, poverty and exile

Sao Paulo Forum meets in Honduras to impose more socialism, poverty and exile

MIAMI.- The Sao Paulo Forum and the Puebla Group will meet this June 27 and 28 in Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras. Republican congresswoman María Elvira Salazar questioned the objectives of the leftist meeting, which in her opinion only seeks to “impose socialism” in the Central American country.

In a message published on his X account, formerly known as Twitter, he warned that this ideological current will only generate more hunger, exile and poverty for Hondurans.

In that sense, Salazar asked himself: “To talk about what? How to create jobs and prosperity for Hondurans? No. It will be to impose more socialism, which means hunger, poverty and exile.”

At the same time, he wrote that the left group representing the Sao Paulo Forum and the Puebla Group will meet in Tegucigalpa under the auspices of the Zelayas, in reference to the current president Xiomara Castro and her husband, former president Manuel Zelaya, who He is now his “advisor.”

At the meeting, the leaders of authoritarian regimes will commemorate the alleged “coup d’état” against Zelaya, who was looking for ways to make changes to the Constitution to be re-elected. Today he is in power through the figure of his wife.


Honduran Vice Chancellor Gerardo Torres announced that the representatives of the Sao Paulo Forum will participate on June 28 in commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the alleged “coup d’état”, a thesis that Honduran political sectors have assured did not exist and that Zelaya’s dismissal was constitutional. , because the left-wing ruler sought to violate the Honduran Magna Carta to remain in power.

Manuel Zelaya was deposed on June 28, 2009 when he tried to impose a constituent assembly ignoring legal impediments, which caused the military to rise up.

Torres also reported that during the two-day call prepared by the Libertad y Refundación (Libre) party, whose general coordinator is Manuel Zelaya, the Puebla Group will also participate, which will also hold a meeting on June 29 in that country.

A communist and socialist forum

The Sao Paulo Forum is made up of more than 100 left-wing socialist and communist political parties from 28 Latin American countries, and hosts some dictators and human rights violators.

The leftist body, founded in 1990, is made up of Latin American leaders such as the president of Brazil, Lula da Silva, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, as well as the regimes of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. .

In its origins, the Forum was proposed as a space to debate the emergence of “a democratic socialism for the 21st century.”

Honduran analysts and leaders assure that the true objective of this meeting is to impose a false story about what happened in 2009, to justify the persecution against the adversaries of the Honduran regime and guarantee the indefinite permanence of the pro-Chavez Castro-Zelaya in power.

The announcement of the meeting has also generated reactions from the opposition parties, especially the National Party, which rejects the actions and policies emanating from the instance and which they attribute to a regional plan of the left in Latin America.


Source: With information from Hondudiario and Centro América 360

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