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Sarah Lopez presents “her princess” for the first time by revealing her first name and intimate photos taken at the maternity ward

On April 6, Sarah Lopez gave birth to her first child, a little girl, the fruit of her union with her companion Gérald. This Monday, April 10, after leaving the maternity ward, she posted unpublished photos of her daughter, revealing her first name in passing.

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Since being revealed in season 10 of Secret Story in 2016, sarah lopez has come a long way in reality TV. After having participated in several programs and having been in a relationship with certain known candidates, in particular Jonathan Matijas, the thirty-year-old has found true love. Indeed, she is in a relationship with a man named Gerald, owner of a restaurant. On November 3, Sarah Lopez announced that she was pregnant with her first child, the fruit of her love with her companion. After several months of waiting, where she notably posted photos of her round belly on social networks, the young woman gave birth on April 6 of a little girl.

Unpublished photos of her daughter revealed as well as her first name

Sunday, April 9, in her Instagram story, Sarah Lopez announced that she was leaving the day after maternity after spending a week under observation. This Monday, April 10, she therefore found her home with her companion Gérald, and their baby. To celebrate, she unveiled on Instagram intimate photos taken during her stay in the maternity ward. A way for her to present “his princess” to his millions of subscribers, but also to reveal his first name for the first time. “After a few days in the maternity ward, some unexpected complications, Aaliyah has finally discovered its new home and is doing, thank God, like a charm. She sends from her princess room, a lot of sweetness, tenderness and above all a lot of love“, she posted.

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She fills her parents, her uncle and her aunt, her grandparents…

And to continue:She comes to enlarge the most beautiful of families: the one that my man (who was incredibly supportive and strong) gave me. She showers her parents, uncle and aunt, grandparents, brother and sister… and thanks you for all the lovely things you said, sent, shared for and about her. At the very end of her message, Sarah Lopez had a word for the medical profession. “To all the medical teams (it’s important!), a thousand more thanks and immense gratitude“, she wrote. In the comment thread, many reality TV contestants praised her, including Hillaryalso a mother.

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