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Sarah Michelle Gellar does not want to play Buffy again

More and more old classic films and shows are being dusted off and remade for modern audiences, but for those of you hoping to see Sarah Michelle Gellar return to the role of Buffy, the actress has a short and concise answer. “Forget it”. The actress has made it clear that she is not interested in reprising the role and in an interview with SFX when she was once again asked, she underlined this.

“I’m not. I am very proud of the show that we created and it doesn’t need to be done. We wrapped that up. I am all for them continuing the story, because there’s the story of female empowerment. I love the way the show was left: ‘Every girl who has the power can have the power.’ It’s set up perfectly for someone else to have the power. But like I said, the metaphors of Buddy were the horrors of adolescence. I think I look young, but I am not an adolescent.”

With 144 episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer behind her, it’s understandable that she feels finished with that chapter of her life a long time ago. Whether the rest of the cast shares her views is unclear, but at the same time it feels difficult to see any Buffy without Gellar.

Do you think she’s doing the right thing by putting her foot down, or would a Buffy revival have been fun?

No more vampire slaying for this lady!
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