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SAT: What are the penalties for issuing or having false invoices?

SAT: What are the penalties for issuing or having false invoices?

Simulate operations and present declarations with false or apocryphal invoices before the Tax Administration Service (SAT) it is a felony that has penalties ranging from three months to nine years in prison.

A false or apocryphal invoice is like any Internet Digital Tax Receipt (CFDI) and it is valid because it has the formal and authorized elements, but what makes it false is its content.

He content of the apocryphal invoice It is presumed to be true and manages to have fiscal consequences, but when the prosecutor reviews it and detects that it covers simulated or non-existent operations, it will immediately take action.

What are the penalties for issuing or having false invoices?

Issuing false invoices is a federal crime

As we have mentioned in other informative notes of The Truth News, the issue of false invoices before the SAT is currently classified as organized crime and informal preventive detention is issued.

The legislators added and repealed various provisions of the Federal Law Against Organized Crimeof the National Security Law, of the National Code of Criminal Procedures, of the Fiscal Code of the Federation and of the Federal Penal Code.

In accordance with the reform to article 113 Bis of the Federal Tax Code, sanctions of 2 to 9 years in prison will be imposed on anyone who issues, disposes of, buys or acquires tax receipts that support non-existent, false or simulated operations.

The prison sentence will not only be for the people who use the false invoices but also for those who, through a third party, use or issue the apocryphal tax receipts.

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Regarding the penalties against the subjects who publish or allow advertisements for the purchase of false invoices, the punishment will be between 2 to 9 years in prison.

Public servants who make false invoices or tax fraud will be separated from their position and disqualified from one to 10 years.

In addition, public officials may be punished with up to 6 years in prison if they commit or participate in a tax crime. Illegal acts against the treasury will be considered as threats to national security.

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