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Save up to €200 a month if you study or work away from home with some simple and ingenious hacks

Save up to €200

The latest data released by ISTAT show that Italian students are among the first to drop out of university in Europe. There are many reasons hidden behind this situation, including those of excessive costs for families. Here then we allow ourselves to suggest some concrete and valid tricks to save money if you have children who study away from home or if you yourself are forced to stay away from home for work.

Tips and tricks that could really save you several euros per month.

The curriculum is an important long-term investment

If your children have decided to study outside the home, without commuting, the family budget will definitely suffer and not a little. Not all families are able to keep children away from home permanently and unfortunately sometimes the student loses out. If, on the other hand, you also believe that the course of study is an investment in your child’s life, the first piece of advice we give you is to save on extra expenses. It’s true that our kids have the right to go out sometimes to eat a pizza, but beware of how much this habit could cost. Especially when you consider that prices have also increased significantly in so-called fast-food restaurants, where you no longer eat cheaply, but still often around €20 per head. Just as you could also save on spending by following some useful advice.

Save up to €200 a month if you study or work away from home by eliminating waste

Still speaking of cost reduction, remember that in many areas of Italy there are also free Internet zones. And if the first saving comes from Turn off devices you are not usingespecially if you pay rent and split the expenses, don’t forget the free Wi-Fi either. Just as if you use your computer every day, remember that there are many free programs that can save you a lot of money on purchasing software. Invest a few minutes of your time and search the Internet for programs that could save you the annual cost of a license.

Take advantage of the free

How to leverage your skills and talent

Save up to €200 a month if you study or work away from home with simple tricks but also by using your talent and skills. If you are particularly familiar with teaching, you could also give private lessons, also recovering part of the expenses outside the home. But at the same time if you are passionate about sports, and maybe you play football, you might even find a small gig at a local amateur team. Without thinking about large sums, but if you have talent and desire to run after a ball, many clubs offer a monthly expense reimbursement that can even be around €400. It obviously depends on the category you play in, your commitment and the economic solidity of the club itself. But it could be an important alternative that allows you to combine business with pleasure.

Dedicate yourself to amateur

How to save on gym costs by using open spaces

So, save up to €200 in a simple but smart way. Our friends, owners and managers of the gyms don’t want to, but if you want to reduce costs, you can also switch from this subscription. In fact, it happens to many students who live away from home to have a membership to the local gym. But also remember that there are more and more free outdoor paths in parks and gardens equipped with exercise equipment useful for maintaining physical fitness. Just as if you have a park close to home, health trails, the banks of a river, alternating uphill and downhill stretches that allow you to keep in shape without further costs and burdens on the family budget. But, if for one evening you want to see a different film than usual, don’t miss the film that is all the rage on TV!

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