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Savings challenge: Collect 49 thousand pesos in 40 weeks with this method

Having a little money collected can be very useful, especially when we find ourselves in an emergency or need. Here we tell you howor save 49 thousand pesos in just 40 weeks.

If you were given or bought one piggy bank because you liked its design, surely you will like it much more when it is full of money and you can do it at any time and without the need to be an expert or have done it before; but the sooner you start the better.

For that, the best thing is that you have an adequate strategy, but the same if you are a novice or if you have achieved it before, a savings challenge will help you to achieve a specific goal. The latter will serve to give you the appropriate motivation to know from the outset what is the reward that awaits you, such as the 49 thousand pesos that you can collect if you follow the 40-week challenge.

This challenge is especially useful for you to acquire the financial habit of setting aside a little of your economic resources in the long term, allowing you to take that routine with weekly payments until you complete the desired amount exactly on the scheduled date.

That is why you can go making your plans of what exactly you will do with the money, such as opening a bank account to put it to generate returns, paying your Afore or investing it so that it grows, or simply putting together a first little stash for emergencies.

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What you should do is simply make one payment a week following the table that we provide, which you can print or transcribe as you prefer so that you always have a visual reference at hand and make the necessary bonds.

You can cross out the payments in this payment scheme as you complete them so that you can keep the entire project in order and have the expected prize when you make the final contribution. At that time you can take the opportunity to withdraw the funds, but continue to make contributions to maintain your good streak and help you achieve your financial goals.

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