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Saxony-Anhalt: 18 police officers are fired for chatting with racist content

In Saxony-Anhalt, 18 police officers are to be fired because, as police students, they are said to have been involved in a class chat with National Socialist, anti-Semitic, racist and violent content.

“According to the current state of knowledge, eleven of the 18 employees have actively posted messages, videos and pictures with corresponding content in the chat group,” said Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) on Wednesday in Magdeburg.

The chat lasted from September 2017 to December 2021. At least 50 of over 5,000 individual messages were anti-Semitic, racist or glorified violence. “The content of this class chat has not only shocked me,” said Zieschang. “This class chat is a disgrace to the state police.”

The chat became known in the course of investigations against a former candidate in another matter, said the minister.

Criminal investigations were initiated against four of the 18 police officers for using license plates of unconstitutional organizations, hate speech and the distribution of violent and animal pornography. (dpa)

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