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Say after the criticism about violence and abuse: We need to speed up the work

Over 200 cases of sexual abuse and violence have been reported from residents of Sis homes in recent years, shows a study made by children’s rights organizations.

– Every employee and manager has a great responsibility for the young people who are placed with us. As a manager, the responsibility is even greater to ensure that no child can be exposed to abuse, says Helena Finér.

One of the cases concerns a male employee at Råby Sis home who had sex with a 19-year-old who had been forcibly taken into custody. The man’s colleagues told the management that he had limitless and inappropriate behavior, without being heard. Finally, another inmate, Bella, confronted the man and got him to confess. She recorded the conversation with her mobile phone.

– Those who decide can think that it is Sis youth and that we make things up, says Bella.

Sis: Need to do more

Helena Finér does not want to go into the specific case at Råby, but points out that more needs to be done to minimize the risks of sexual abuse and violence at the Sis homes.

– Among other things, it is about ensuring that we get suitable employees during recruitment. For example, we have to obtain load statements, but we also need to work preventively.

According to the report on violations and violence at Sis homes that was presented earlier this year, the authority does not take children’s stories seriously, but prioritizes the rights of the staff and the employer’s perspective.

Is that so?

– We need to look at how we can create opportunities for young people and children to get more ways to feel that you can lift things that don’t feel good or safe. The children must feel and experience that they are being listened to. We need to create an environment for that, says Helena Finér.

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