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Say hello to tight thighs and fat thighs with 30 minutes of exercise a day to lose weight

Say hello to rolls and thick

Out with the bacon and welcome to abs! With a little patience, perseverance and 30 minutes a day it can be done. But what is the real secret to sculpting muscles and losing weight without necessarily going to the gym? Let’s see together how to train to get back in shape!

We have tried all tutorials on the web, started 5 minute workout programs and so much more. But the results are slow in coming and we have almost resigned ourselves to living with it relaxed belly. We don’t have the time or desire to go to the gym and we would like to find a less tiring solution to lose weight. Fortunately too by training at home we can achieve good resultsbut it will take patience and perseverance. Here are the exercises to do to get back in shape in no time!

We say hello to rolls and thick thighs and immediately see the results in the mirror

The first exercise fat burning it is surely that of the burpees, so hated by all sportsmen. Thanks to the combination of movements, this exercise would help activate the metabolism. Standing with legs apart, we jump in place and then bend down to do the squat. If we are beginners, it is better to stop here, otherwise we continue descending to the position of plank and we start again. We don’t count the number of exercises, but we try to do them for at least 2 minutes with our times.

Continue descending into plank position and

Then we move on to some lunge forward, some I hop on the spot and a bit of twists for the bust. Obviously abdominal muscles And backbones they should not be neglected, but we try to train the whole body. In fact that’s how it is we’ll kick-start our metabolism and lose weight more easily.

Finally? Last 10 minutes with a fast walk or let’s have fun dancing in front of the TV. Even dancing, especially following the steps, helps burn calories and lose weight.

Do you train in the morning or in the evening?

It is one of the most popular questions among those looking to lose weight and not to put on muscle mass. It is not yet clear whether the time in which we train can make us obtain different results. But research in this field continues to publish studies to find a definitive answer. In fact, it seems that among the latest studies conducted, a conclusion has been reached for optimal results. It would seem that in order to lose weight it would be better to train there morningto build muscle evening. So if your goal is to burn calories, 15 minutes of exercise after breakfast is a good way to start.

A nice brisk walk before going to

Let’s start working out and say goodbye to rolls and thick thighs in just a few weeks. Physical activity is essential to be in good healthespecially when you make a living a lot sedentary. Even just a nice brisk walk before going to work it could really make a difference.

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