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Scandal at the University of Chile for endorsing theses that normalize pedophilia

Two theses endorsed by the University of Chile have caused controversy in several Latin American countries due to their theme that justifies the pedophilia.

Pedophiles and infants: folds and folds of desire”by Leonardo Alfonso Arce VidalY “The denied wish of the pedagogue: to be a pedophile”. from Mauricio Quiroz Munoz, They are the two works that were presented in 2016 and 2020, respectively, and that have caused controversy.

According to previous statements, today the University of Chile would make its position on the matter known to the Education Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of that nation.

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And so it happened, so among the deputies who took the floor, Camila Rojas, said she was calm knowing that the University is taking the necessary actions “and I hope this happens in all higher education institutions in the country.”

Other of the statements, now from the legislator Independent hotuiti teaowere harsher, since it indicated that “having allowed this thesis to come to light is enormously irresponsible”.

Most of the legislators condemned the posts as it is a clear “dissemination of an apology for pedophilia”.

the academic Mauricio Folchi, from the Department of Historical Sciences of the University of Chile, said that this incident “has shaken us”, and expressed that “the work should have been stopped in any of the instances”, as he explained that there are several steps that must be followed to register a thesis at the University.

Similarly, the dean of the FFaculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the U. of Chile, Raúl Villarroel, asserted that no academic work can address “theto pedophilia in an inappropriate way and with such levity”, and considered that any theoretical work should have as its “minimum framework respect for human rights, and especially that of children and adolescents.”

Finally, he ruled that measures were adopted to address the issue and that there will be a “summary investigation instruction that advances what happened and defines eventual responsibilities that derive from these facts.”


Various political actors and civil society expressed their disagreement with the theme of the work, among them the Undersecretary of Children of Chile, Yolanda Pizarro, who stressed thator there is nothing that justifies the abuse of minors, regardless of the theory from which this thesis student is standing”.

The dedication of Arce Vidal’s thesis gave rise to talk and was condemned by Chilean academics and legislators.

For his part, he Minister of Education, Marco Antonio ÁvilaHe also gave his point of view on social networks and considered that the facts are serious, for which he called “rsafeguard Human Rights, especially the best interests of boys and girls, and especially in training spaces”.

Deputy Cristóbal Urruticoechea Rios sent a letter to the Ministry of Education, the government and the University of Chile in which he says that his intention is to know if the people “whowho opted for a title and a master’s degree by writing a text totally in favor of pedophilia” are graduates or do some work in an academic institute


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