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Scandal in the Senate: the opposition abandoned the premises

After a paralysis of more than four months and in the midst of strong political tension, the Upper House returned to session but the meeting failed

By iProfessional

30/03/2023 – 13,41hs

He Senate I was trying to go back to session this Thursday after more than four months. But a controversy arose because the kirchnerism wanted to promote an agenda that included different projects but the opposition He wanted to focus on the laws that the province of Santa Fe demands to combat drug violence. In this context, the debate fell when the members of Together for Change got up from their chairs and left the venue.

The session began after 12:15 p.m. with the presence of 70 legislators, including representatives of the Frente de Todos, Juntos por el Cambio, and Unidad Federal.

At the start of the debate, Senator Marcelo Lewandowski (FdT) requested the treatment on tables of the project to Strengthen the Federal Justice of Santa Fe, which obtained the half sanction of Deputies last Tuesday.

Then the radical from Mendoza Alfredo Cornejo, as president of the Juntos interblock, requested a motion of order to deal first with the topics requested by the opposition through two special session requests and that the other issues be dealt with in a session on April 13.

Specifically, Together for Change wanted only the specifications of the judges of Santa Fe and Córdoba together with the so-called Lucio Law to be voted on in this Thursday’s session and that the rest of the agenda be dealt with on the date proposed for next month .

The session in the Senate fell: what laws did the officialism want to deal with?

In turn, José Mayans, president of the National and Popular Front bloc, wanted to impose the agenda set by the ruling party. “Don’t be unfair in saying that we don’t want to meet,” Mayans reproached the opposition to later make a defense of the vice president.

The radical Alfredo Cornejo questioned the decision of Kirchnerism on the projects to be discussed

“Then the legislators from Santa Fe go with the press operation saying that Cristina is preventing the treatment when you refused to hold the session after February 24 (when the high school was held),” he added.

In this context, Mayans remarked: “We maintain that the call made by the presidency is fair and to modify the decree (to call the session) they need two thirds because they have to deviate from the regulation“.

When the provisional president of the Senate, Claudia Ledesma Abdala, who heads the session in the absence of Cristina Kirchner, who has not led a meeting since September 1 of last year, wanted to close the discussion by imposing the agenda of the presidency of the body.

When Ledesma Abdala insisted on voting, the Juntos senators got up from their benches and Cornejo met with other legislators to figure out what to do. After a few minutes and after Cornejo crossed paths with the provisional president, the representatives of the opposition began to leave the premises.

The agenda promoted by the ruling party included the so-called Lucio Law, the Zero Alcohol at the Wheel project and the facilitation of the renewal of the Single Disability Certificate.

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