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Scene of the crime on Sunday: “rope team” with Grandjean and Ott

Millions of viewers tune in every Sunday at 8:15 p.m crime scene to be seen on ARD.

The episode on Sunday, April 30, 2023 takes place in Dortmund and viewers can look forward to the investigator duo Isabelle Grandjean and Tessa Ott are happy.

All information about the scene of the crime “Rope Team”

All information about the Tatort episode at a glance:

Zürich “rope team” Tessa Ott Isabelle Grandjean Carol Schuler Anna Pieri Zuercher Tobias Ineichen

Crime scene content preview

After a charity event in a luxury hotel on Lake Zurich, the host is found dead in his suite. A few days later, a respected entrepreneur is found dead, tied to a rowing boat in Lake Zurich.

Both victims have characteristics that suggest links to the Ndragetha mafia and put the Zurich police on alert.

When one of the organizers of the charity event, Dominic Mercier, receives a threatening letter, a race against time begins: Zurich’s wealthy elite must be protected because they are apparently the target of the attacks.

Investigators wonder what the victims have in common and if their murders are related to the charity event. While investigating the charity’s finances, Isabel Grandjean discovers links between the donations and the mafia when she sets her sights on an organized crime expert.

Tessa Ott follows another lead, which leads her to a boxing club and finally to an orphanage, whose director is also murdered shortly afterwards.

Here, too, there are conspicuous traces on the corpse that point to a personal motive for Tessa’s murders. She starts researching the dark web and comes across information that weighs on her emotionally.

You can see what happens next on Sunday, April 30 at 8:15 p.m. at the crime scene in the first.

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