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Scholarships, loans and employment for women: Manolo

Black Stones, Coahuila; In his tour of the northern region of the state, the candidate of the Citizens’ Alliance for Security, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, assured that as governor he will work so that women from Coahuila have the same opportunities and have a better quality of life.

In the work meetings that she held with women from various sectors of society, she listened to their needs and suggestions, and presented her proposals and the Agenda to Improve the Quality of Life of Coahuila families.

“I want to be the governor of women. I know that many times you make three times as much effort so that your homes and families have everything they need on a daily basis; You are a fundamental part of the development of Coahuila and that is why I am going to support you more and more”.

Both in the Forum with Women in Piedras Negras, as well as in the massive events that she led in Nava and Ciudad Acuña, she endorsed her commitment so that there are more and more empowered, happy, fulfilled and confident women.

“My government is going to work for more support that includes microcredits, scholarships for them to finish high school and study at the university; I want all women to have the opportunity to be autonomous and productive, to feel more protected and safe to go to work, to go back to their families and to know that they are taken care of at all times”.

Accompanied by his wife Paola Rodríguez López and the candidate for Local Deputy for District 01, Claudia Elizabeth Aldrete; and of the candidates for Local Deputy for districts 02 and 03, Guillermo Ruiz and Jesús María Montemayor, he stressed that his government will always be attentive to the needs and development of the entire population, but in terms of security and justice he emphasized ; “Whoever messes with Coahuila women, he will mess with the Governor of Coahuila.”

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