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Scientists intend to subtract a second from the Earth in 2028 due to the increase in the speed of its rotation

Given the concern of the scientific community about the increase in the speed of the Earth’s rotation, some experts believe that it is best to subtract a second from time on our planetat least one and that is approximately in 2028, in about five years.

According to a report published on the website of Sputnik News Latin Americathis objective of the scientists would compensate for the increase in the speed of the rotation, something that has been confirmed by the aforementioned media outlet Vitali Pálchikov.

Pálchikov, chief researcher at the Department of Advanced Research and Time and Frequency Measurements at the All-Russian Research Institute of Engineering Physics and Radio Metrology, explained his perspective on this issue and provided details on what exactly is going on in the Earth and its core.

The hypothesis related to the changes in the moment of inertia of the nucleus is a possible hypothesis that explains the effects of the acceleration of the speed of rotation of the Earth… The subtraction of one second will occur, according to scientists’ predictions, sometime in 2028.″, Pálchikov pointed out.

The problem of abnormal rainfall

The researcher clarified that, currently, there is no exhaustive explanation of the acceleration of the Earth’s rotation. In addition, another hypothesis of the expert is that abnormal precipitation causes the rotation to speed up and evaporation of precipitation, on the contrary, slows it down.

Pálchikov stressed that these effects do not cancel each other out and recalled that one of the consequences of the acceleration of the Earth’s rotation was that June 29, 2022 was the shortest day in history.

The scientist confirmed that the current acceleration of the Earth is abnormal and that, until recently, the planet was slowing down. He also said that at the time to compensate for the decrease in its rotation speed, since the 70s, 37 more seconds were introduced as part of the corrections.

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