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Scientists warn of a disease similar to malaria whose cases have doubled in the United States over the last decade

In the last ten years, the United States has been alarmed by an increase in the disease transmitted by garpata known as babesiosis, similar to malaria.

The factors that would be affecting the increase in cases in that country are the climate change as well as the taking of land for the development that in the cleaning efforts are found with these.

Researchers from the University of California and the University of Yale deciphered the first high-quality nuclear genome of the duncani babesia, pathogens that circulate in the claws. In the studio it was clear that this knowledge will allow “advance in new strategies to develop reliable, sensible and specific diagnostic tools, as well as therapeutic strategies for a better management of human babesiosis”.

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The Centers for the Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC) in the United States have specified that babesiosis is a disease that mainly does not have a manifestation that can cause flu-like symptoms such as fever, scalds, headache, loss of appetite, fatigue, among others.

In addition, they warn that this can be serious and potentially fatal in those who do not have a spleen, serious health conditions, third age or a weak immune system.

The form of infection is through the bite of a claw and the symptoms can present a week later, although they usually develop over months.

“The expansion of the risk of babesiosis could have implications for the blood supply. La babesia It is transmissible through a blood transfusion, and it has been shown that people who acquire babesiosis through contaminated blood have significantly worse health results and a greater risk of death than those who acquire the disease from the bite of a claw foot” , specified the entity.

The increase in the disease between 2011 and 2019 was 25%, with Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont reporting the most significant increases. (I)

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