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Sconnessi Day has arrived: here’s how to survive a whole day without internet

How to survive a whole day without

Today there is a lot of talk about the “Disconnected day” initiative, but few actually know what it consists of and what objectives it sets. In this article we will shed some light on its origins and why it is necessary to take it seriously.

There nomophobia and the internet addiction are increasingly common problems in modern society, where technological devices have become an integral part of daily life. In general, we can define “nomophobia” the fear of being left without your smartphone, or without an internet connection that allows its use. The “addiction” to the internet, on the other hand, is the inability to control internet use and digital devices, not only by adolescents (digital natives), but by adults.
Nomophobia and internet addiction can lead to a number of negative consequences for mental and physical health. Among the physical consequences, we find insomnia, migraines, joint pain, vision and posture problems. Mental consequences include anxiety, depression, loneliness, decreased social interactions in real life, and so on.

Sconnessi Day has arrived! But where does this initiative come from?

Aware of these problems, in 2018 an initiative was presented to the Ministry of Health, also promoted by the Consulcesi Group, for the establishment of a world day dedicated to disconnecting from the internet, or also called “Disconnected Day”.
The idea comes from the film “Disconnected” by Christian Marazziti which tells the story of an extended family who, left isolated in a chalet in the mountains, without an internet connection, are forced to deprive themselves of new communication models, re-establishing more “human” contacts.
After the success of the film, it was the actors in the cast who promoted and spread the “Disconnected Day” among fans, which therefore becomes a real challenge. Since, on February 22 of each year we remember that there is a reality, outside of the digital one, with which it is worth reuniting every now and then. Even just for an hour or, even better, for a
full day

Without the internet you can do a lot of activities that stimulate the mind and body

So, the disconnected day has arrived which, as mentioned, it aims to raise awareness people on issues that are truly crucial for our time. Participating in the initiative, however, could be difficult for those who work or study. But those who can afford it, on the other hand, have the opportunity to disconnect from the internet, put the devices away in some drawer and use the time in other, more profitable ways.
For example, it could read a book, which is a really great form of entertainment (and learning). Or, you could also opt for a book from to colorwhich helps to relax and clear the mind, making the mind explode creativity. Another way to train your brain could be to play some board gameor compile some crossword puzzleor have a pen and paper and write a story, a poem, or simply what comes to mind.
Also get to stove it could be a great idea to stay away from smartphones, tablets or PCs; as well as could also be dedicated to gardening, given that spring will arrive in a month. On the other hand, those who love being outdoors could opt for a nice bike rideor one long walktaking advantage of the situation to also do some physical activity.

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