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Second term: “I don’t even think about it”, says Tebboune

The President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, held a periodic media meeting with representatives of the national press. He addressed many social, political, economic and diplomatic issues.

This interview of the Head of State with the national media was broadcast yesterday, Thursday, December 22 at 8 p.m., on public radio and television channels.

Addressing the subject of a possible second term, the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, said that talking about a second term is premature.

Indeed, he said that talking about a second presidential term is premature, indicating that his interest is focused on the completion of the realization of his commitments, and that everything will come in due time.

Second term, Tebboune says it’s too early to talk about it

In his response to a question about what “some media have circulated about his ambition to run for a second term”, the president asserted: “I don’t have an answer, rather I don’t even think about it. We have just passed the half term, and it is still too early to speak of a second term. »

President Tebboune said that “the most important thing is that there are two years left before the end of my mandate for the respect of my commitments”, adding that “the people are entitled to judge my course later”, noting that ” everything will come in due time. »

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