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Secret Invasion | Who’s who in the new Marvel series?

Secret Invasionthe newest series from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), arrives on Disney+ with the challenge not only of adapting one of the most famous comic book sagas, but also finally giving a starring role to Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) after 15 years as the man behind the plans.

Although in a smaller proportion than in the comics, the series will show Earth being invaded by skrulls and how the ability of these aliens to assume the form of any individual creates a huge crisis of confidence in the heroes. After all, how do you know who’s who when anyone can be an infiltrated enemy?

In the comics, this happens with Skrulls taking on the identities of different heroes. And, although the series limits this to just Fury’s personal circle and some spheres of power, the level of paranoia promises to be the same – or even more intense, taking into account how much the Nick Fury of the MCU has always been someone very suspicious.

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Furthermore, Secret Invasion marks the return of some characters who were scattered throughout the cinematographic universe and who now gather around this great spy story. Not to mention the new faces that arrive to make everything even more nebulous. After all, who is the hero and who is the villain in this whole story?

To help you know who to trust (or not) in this sneaky onslaught of wrinkle-jawed aliens, learn who’s who in the coming Secret Invasion.

Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson)

After 15 years, Nick Fury will finally gain due prominence (Image: Disclosure / Marvel Studios)

The eyepatch spy needs no introduction. Nick Fury has been present in the MCU since its inception and was largely responsible for the collapse of fans when he appeared in the first post-credit scene of the saga talking about such an Avengers Initiative. And, since then, the agent has always been a guaranteed presence in the big events of the universe, even if his participation has decreased considerably over the years.

For that very reason, Secret Invasion it’s the MCU’s great opportunity to do justice and give the character due prominence. And what better way to do this than by making him even more paranoid and suspicious of everyone around him. If Fury didn’t trust anyone even when there was no reason to, imagine now that he knows the Skrulls are at work.

Furthermore, Secret Invasion it’s also Marvel’s opportunity to clarify Nick Fury’s role at the current time in the plot. Since the dissolution of SHIELD in Captain America: Winter Soldier, the role of the spy is somewhat isolated. And while we’ve already seen that there’s a new global intelligence agency operating, a clearer explanation of how it actually operates—and why Fury decided to operate it from space is missing.

Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders)

Was Fury’s right-hand man a skrull infiltrator? (Image: Disclosure / Marvel Studios)

Another MCU veteran, Maria Hill has been Fury’s right-hand man since his debut in the first Avengers. Since then, she has made occasional appearances alongside the spy and has shown how faithful she is even in times of crisis, as happened in the case of the fall of SHIELD.

For that very reason, she is a possible suspect for being a skrull infiltrator. After all, how could Nick Fury feel more shaken and vulnerable than knowing that his faithful sidekick had been an undercover enemy this whole time? If that’s true, though, it’s going to be a shame to say goodbye to a character who was always so great.

Talos (Ben Mendelsohn)

Talos will appear in human form to rid the actor of makeup (Image: Disclosure / Marvel Studios)

Poor actor Ben Mendelsohn will finally be able to appear on screen with a clean face after a few years hidden under kilos of real makeup. In Secret Invasionhis character Talos will act much more in human form and acting as one of Fury’s most versatile agents around the world.

It’s quite a step up from what he’s been doing since joining the MCU. His first appearance was in captain marvelin which he was just a skrull trying to find his family again.

By the way, it is always good to remember that Talos also appeared in Spider-Man: Far From Homewhen it is revealed that the skrull was impersonating Nick Fury for some time under orders from the one-eyed spy himself and that no one ever suspected it – which is already a huge indication of what we will find in the series.

Everett Ross (Martin Freeman)

CIA agent will no longer be just a supporting role in the Black Panther films (Image: Disclosure / Marvel Studios)

Although he is not a SHIELD agent, but a CIA agent, Everett Ross is another character from this governmental and espionage core that is well known to Marvel fans. The character appeared in both Black Panther and turned out to be a very valuable ally of Wakanda, even if that meant betraying the US government.

Furthermore, it was revealed in wakanda forever that he was married to Valentina Allegra (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), a very powerful figure in that governmental circle and still quite dubious.

Anyway, Ross’ role in Secret Invasion remains a huge mystery. He’s briefly appeared in a few trailers, but without any clues as to whether he’s a hero or a villain.

G’iah (Emilia Clarke)

G’iah will be the rebellious daughter of Talos (Image: Handout/Marvel Studios)

Here’s the first premiere of Secret Invasion. Remember we talked about Talos being in search of his family in captain marvel? For the skrull not only found her but also trained her daughter, G’iah, so that she would become quite skilled when it came to assuming other identities and embarking on infiltration missions.

Lived by Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones), the character will flirt with the villains. According to the official description of the series, she grew up resentful of her father’s distance and also the disregard of humans for her race. That way, she ends up joining the rebel group of Skrulls that decides to invade Earth.

Gravik (Kingsley Ben-Adir)

Leader of rebel Skrulls can raise discussion about neglect with refugees (Image: Playback/Marvel Studios)

For everything that has been disclosed so far, Gravik has everything to be the great villain of Secret Invasion. Played by Kingsley Ben-Adir (One Night in Miami), the character is the leader of the extremist Skrull faction and the head behind the operation that will infiltrate important posts of human governments.

A curious detail is that Marvel Studios has confirmed what is the main motivation that makes this group start its offensive against Earth. As anticipated, Gravik and other Skrull leaders got tired of asking humans for help and decided to go on the offensive — which could make the series touch on important issues regarding refugees and the way big governments deal with them. the theme.

If the series really goes down this path, it may even be an exaggeration to treat Gravik as a villain in the most classic sense of the word. Furthermore, this would make Secret Invasion gained much more complex connotations than in the comics, where the alien action is based on a more religious motivation of a group of skrulls who saw Earth as a promised land.

Sony Falsworth (Olivia Colman)

Olivia Colman will be a British spy (Image: Disclosure / Marvel Studios)

One of the greatest expectations around Secret Invasion is Academy Award winner Olivia Colman’s debut in the MCU. the actress of to favorite e My father lives an agent of MI6, the British intelligence service, who starts to act in defense of the United Kingdom from the moment that the action of the skrulls is discovered.

Thus, being one of the country’s top spies, she will work alongside Nick Fury to deal with this international crisis.

Rhodey Rhodes (Don Cheadle)

Rhodes seems to be acting more behind the scenes of the government than as a hero (Image: Disclosure / Marvel Studios)

War Machine will be present in Secret Invasion, although his role within the plot is still a huge mystery. The character is another veteran of the MCU and has been present since its inception, in the first Iron Man — although he changed actors halfway through —, gaining importance over the years.

The point is, while Rhodes became an Avenger and fought to save Earth in the face-off against Thanos, he seems to have more of a behind-the-scenes role in the series. From what has been shown so far, War Machine seems to have taken some post in the US government and will deal with more bureaucratic issues than practical ones.

US President (Dermot Mulroney)

Dermot Mulroney comes straight from Scream 6 to play US president and role opens up space for speculation (Image: Reproduction/Paramount Pictures)

Let’s enter a completely speculative field here. Throughout these 15 years of the MCU, the films and series have never gone deep into political issues and all government decisions have always been personified in figures such as General Ross (William Hurt), SHIELD and even Valentina Allegra. That’s why it draws attention Secret Invasion having cast an actor to live the American president.

Dermot Mulroney (Scream 6) will live the politician and that opens space for some theories, even more so when we look at the future of Marvel.

There are some rumors that point out that the choice of Harrison Ford to live General Ross in Thunderbolts after the death of actor William Hurt is linked to the fact that the character becomes president of the USA. That would be something that would impact so much the coming Captain America 4: New World Order as for the very creation of the team of villains.

Thus, it is quite possible that we will see Ross’s arrival at the White House after the events of Secret Invasion. As? It may be that the president played by Mulroney is a skrull infiltrated or even ends up killed by the faction led by Gravik. Thus, under the discourse of fear, we will see the military now experienced by Harrison Ford coming to the presidency with an anti-hero discourse and greater control of the population under the allegation of national security.

Secret Invasion premieres on Disney+ on June 21.

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