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See 5 Signs of Schizophrenia Beyond Delirium | metropolises

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), schizophrenia is the third leading cause of loss of quality of life in people between 15 and 44 years old. The mental disorder is characterized by signs such as hallucinations and delusions, feelings of fear and anger, psychosis and cognition problems.

According to psychiatrist Ariel Lipman, from Rio de Janeiro, the schizophrenic patient can be aggressive to the point that the family is unable to keep him at home. “In most cases, it is a disease where the person cannot take care of their own life, but of course there are some exceptions”, he says.

It is not known what causes schizophrenia or how the condition is triggered in the body, and the diagnosis is made based on the symptoms presented by the patient.

Lipman highlights other signs of the disease that go beyond hallucinations and delusions. He check:

abnormal movements

In addition to the loss of contact with reality and false beliefs, the schizophrenic patient may also have abnormal body movements. “This happens when the individual is nervous and anxious. Thus, he manages to make his feelings perceptible to outsiders”, points out the psychiatrist.

The patient can adopt an unusual posture, perform repeated movements and even remain completely immobile for long periods.

Social isolation

Isolation is a symptom that appears in several types of mental disorders. When an individual is depressed, for example, he tends to withdraw from others – as the signs are similar, schizophrenia can be confused with this and other mental illnesses.

“When isolation happens excessively and is combined with other factors, it can even help diagnose the disorder. In people with the disease who are being treated, seclusion can be controlled”, explains Lipman.

fear and anger

Fear is part of the schizophrenic’s routine and is directly linked to the fact that the individual with the condition has hallucinations and delusions. After all, hearing voices and living with mental disorganization can scare the patient.

“If the disease is not being treated, for not being fully aware of what is happening, the person can be taken by the feeling of anger, hurt and fear. Many end up taking it out on people who are close to them”, explains the psychiatrist.


By causing delusions, hallucinations, fear and anger, the person with schizophrenia becomes more agitated. As the disease is related, especially in more advanced cases, to sensory and behavioral changes, it is common for the patient to be very restless.

speech problems

Communication-related problems are typical of schizophrenia, and fear and anxiety can prevent the patient from speaking or cause disorganization between words and ideas. Sentences can be confusing, short and lacking in coherence.

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