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See 5 steps to get in shape before Carnival

Carnival is already knocking on the door, but the remaining weeks to enjoy the revelry are enough to lose those few kilos that bother you so much. Nutritionist Ana Luisa Vilela, a specialist in weight loss, says that she still has time to remodel her body to attend the most popular party in Brazil.

Smart substitutions in food, physical activity and the use of new technologies contribute to the success of the results.

1.Foods to include in the diet before Carnival

White meat
The nutrologist explains that options like chicken or fish have a much smaller amount of lipids, saturated fats and cholesterol. Therefore, they are lighter meats, have fewer calories and are easily digested by the body.

Skimmed milk
“Because it is a protein of high biological value, skimmed milk also has bioactive peptides from whey and functional properties. Each 200ml contains approximately 6g of protein, a crucial element for building lean muscle mass and to act as a source of energy”, says Ana Luisa.

citrus fruits
Orange, lemon and tangerine are low-calorie and potassium-rich options. Thus, they act on blood pressure and also avoid cramps that can be common on days of revelry, says the specialist.

Green leaves
Dark leafy greens are the best sources of calcium for the body. Some of them, such as kale, also help in the process of liver detoxification, essential for losing weight, eliminating excesses from the body and preparing for the consumption of alcoholic beverages common on this holiday, explains the doctor.

See the best diets to lose weight:

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2. Do 30 minutes of intense physical activity 4 times a week

The calculation is simple: the ideal is to spend more than you consume. This is the secret of success in any diet, says the nutrologist. “Therefore, to lose more weight in less time, it is essential to have aerobic physical activity combined with the process, which requires commitment and discipline without being radical. Any exaggeration at the time of desperation to lose weight can pose health risks and this hinders any change in habit, ”she concludes.

Read the full story on the portal Health up to datepartner of metropolises.

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