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Sega, in the footsteps of Nintendo: will increase the salary of its workers in Japan by 30% for a crucial reason

Tech giants in Japan continue to seeking to improve the lives of its workers, unlike what happens in the United States, where layoffs are the order of the day. Sega It is the next company that will increase the salary of its employees, even to exceed Nintendo’s numbers.

Sega will raise the salary of the company’s workers by 30%, when Nintendo had made it 10%. Similar measures were previously announced by video game developers such as Capcom and Bandai Namco.

The company behind Sonic and other mythical video games indicated that, as of July 1, workers will see a 30% increase in their wages.

The compensation seeks, in the words of the company, “to further stabilize the income of the employees and create a more comfortable working environment, as well as further strengthen its global competitiveness”.

But it is not only trying to protect current workers, but also retirees. Haruki Satomi, president and CEO of Sega Sammy Holdings, expressed: “We plan to introduce an advanced payment system for retirement pensions, with the rate of increase differing according to this option.”

What are the causes of this policy among the Japanese? Do they live in a bubble, unlike the rest of the world?

Valid interest from companies like Sega, Nintendo, Capcom and more in Japan

Japan is living too an inflationary process. It is not as high as in Latin America, not even as in the United States, but the Japanese want to anticipate any much worse inconvenience.

This country has a peculiarity: the workforce specialized in videogames is very small, in addition to the fact that the birth rate is quite low.

From there, every day it becomes more difficult to find good workers, and there will come a time, to follow the birth rates as they go, that they will have to appeal even to Artificial Intelligence to cover some situations.

Netflix Japan had made the last argument for the release of his short The Dog & The Boy, when he used AI to create the backgrounds, instead of human digital artists.

The Government of Japan, headed by the Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, he asked companies to increase salaries, in order to fight inflation and attract talent.

“The fall in the birth rate and the low immigration leave Japan with a severe labor shortage.” Reuters noted.

An example to follow for the other countries of the world.

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