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SEGA will increase the price of its games? The house of Sonic is thinking

Negli ultimi anni sono semper diventate di più le compagnie che hanno increato i prezzi dei parrot giochi: realtà come sony, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Take-Two and Square Enixgiusto per fare alcuni nomi, hanno proposto i loro più recenti titoli di punta a 70 dollari/80 euro, ed un altro nome potrebbe aggiungersi presto.

On occasion of the last financial report, speaking with the investors, SEGA has lost intendere of star turning on seriously in consideration The idea of ​​increasing the price of its most important productions, adapting it to the new standard of the Tripla A market, is necessary to make a definitive decision in such a sense, it is still still in the house of the house. sonic.

Nel mercato globale i giochi Tripla A per console sono stati soldi a 60 dollari per diversi anni, ma titoli proposti a 70 dollari si sono fatti più frequenti nell’ultimo anno. We are thinking of receiving and prices of the games that we believe will be in line with this type of increase, continuing in the near future to have the conditions of the market“, that the parole of SEGA sulla questione, that dunque is regularly monitoring the settore per capire as they move over such directions.

At the same time, the Japanese company will add to the new market trend, so the state will also rival the sale of the SEGA franchise, with Sonic that has increased the notable figure of 1.4 million copies sold for all and their tantissimi giochi. For the time being SEGA intends to acquire Rovio for 706 million euros, so that it will come into possession of a famous franchise like that of angry Birds.

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