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Sei un nerd devi avere questo portachiavi | Tom’s Hardware

A group of cinemas has come up with an idea to say something great, creating a prodotto che non può mancare a nessun nerd che si rispetti. If it’s an idea that’s all so simple, but all this complicated time will come true: I will use the RX 580 to create portachiavi.

The RX 580 is released in 2017 and or may I say that it has done its time, who can’t recycle it in any particular person and only like a portachiavi? I have created PCBs that have not been used, they have not been tagged to make the dimensions adequate and I have installed a GPU and two video memory modules.

Credit: Goofish

It is not noted that the video schedule is used in this state, but it is probable that the other PCs have smantellati and residues from mining farms, it is not possible for them to be difficult to access from the RX 580 at low prices. Yes, perché i portachiavi sono in vendita a 5 dollari, According to the fact that the GPU does not cost anything, it nullifies the creator.

If I’m going to buy one (perché noi ne vorremo decine), purtroppo ci sono brutte notizie: sembra che ne siano stati prodotti soltanto 3 and at the moment in which we write, I do not have only 1. Hope is obviously that the creator si rimbocchi le maniche and does not produce an anchor, in modo da avere più chance di acquistarne uno.

And if I saw the state requested because I imagine a portachiavi with NVIDIA GPU, the answer is simple: the first purchaser has delivered, in a completely free way, a second portachiavi created with a GeForce 9500 GT.

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