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self-coup to gain popularity, claims military rebel

Self-coup, simulation or settling accounts, probable scenarios of the military uprising

“The president told me the situation is very screwed, very critical. It is necessary to prepare something to raise my popularity. Should we take out the armored vehicles?“said him, who responded affirmatively to the president’s supposed question.

Zúñiga also left the place, after which he was detained and presented at a police barracks, along with the general commander of the Bolivian Navy (Navy), Vice Admiral Juan Arnez Salvador.

Both are accused by the prosecution of the crimes of terrorism and armed uprising.

Embed – Bolivia: Former commander Zúñiga affirms that Luis Arce asked to “prepare something” to “raise popularity”

After the storm subsided, with the return of the uniformed men to their barracks and the arrest of the two military leaders.

In the last few hours, the Government Palace broadcast a conversation between Arce and Zúñiga at the doors of the presidential mansion, surrounded by military personnel.

Arce rebukes her: “I am your captain (general), go back after your orders and take all the military police to their barracks (…) withdraw all these forces at this moment, general. It’s a general order, isn’t it?” Are you going to listen to me?” Then Zúñiga responded with a blunt “no.”

Arce, from his account on the social network X, said on Wednesday night: “We are going to defend democracy and the will of the Bolivian people, whatever the cost!”

He thanked the countries “that have strongly condemned and spoken out in favor of Bolivian democracy, in the face of the attempted coup against our government.”

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A dictatorship in Crisis

He “disorder of a dictatorship in crisis”, This is how Carlos Sánchez Berzaín, former Minister of the Government of Bolivia, describes the military uprising registered in that country on the afternoon of this June 26, and assures that it hardly serves to recover the freedom and democracy of that South American nation, “submitted” the dictatorships of the 21st century.

“This is a movement within an irregular system called dictatorship, and that It could be a self-coup, a simulation or an internal reckoning. In any case, it is very doubtful that this will serve to recover freedom and democracy in Bolivia,” said the former Bolivian minister, political refugee in the United States, executive director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracybased in Miami.

He indicates that for almost two decades, specifically with the arrival of the coca leader Evo Morales to power (2006 – 2019), Bolivia ceased to be a democracy to become a “satellite dictatorship” of Cuba and Venezuela.They have completely deinstitutionalized the Armed Forces. For years the Armed Forces have not been the Armed Forces of the nation, but of the regime,” maintains the former minister.

In his opinion, the military uprising reported this Wednesday reveals the “disorder” and “crisis” faced by a regime, led by President Luis Arce, close to Evo Morales, and that has led the country “to misery.” “, to the status of a narco-state, to having more than 300 political prisoners and more than 10,000 exiles.”

Game of loyalties in Bolivia?

Bolivian military, led by general commanders Juan José Zúñiga and Andrés Zúñigatook over Plaza Murillo de la Paz this Wednesday, where clashes with citizens occurred, and entered the Government Palace to express their “inconvenience” with the Bolivian president, who dismissed the first, after he was against the re-election of Morales, who has aspirations for the presidential elections of 2025, despite the ruling of the Plurinational Constitutional Court (TCP), issued in December of 2023, which prohibits indefinite reelection.

“It cannot be that the loyalty of commanders is repaid with disloyalty”said General Andrés Zuñiga in statements to the press from the center of political power in La Paz.

“This phrase, for example, demonstrates the crisis interna, the loyalty of the commanders to the regime. Zúñiga has realized today that Bolivia is a dictatorship and, furthermore, he does not say so. That is, he is a loyalty game among them, between a regime that is dictatorial,” says Sánchez Berzaín.

Given this scenario, he believes that time should be given for the situation to “ease” and what is really happening in the Andean nation can be seen more clearly. “Where is Arce today? He is in prison? Have they dismissed him? Have they changed it? Have they taken control? In other words, this is a sign of a Castro-Chavist dictatorship in crisis, which is collapsing internally, but nothing is clear so far,” he emphasizes.

Reform of democracy?

Through the social network “he can’t be president anymore” of the country, so I would not allow “trample the Constitution” and? “disobeys the mandate of the people”.

In his alert messages on the social network “indefinite general strike and road blockade”. “We will not allow the Armed Forces to violate democracy and intimidate the people,” he said.

For his part, General Juan José Zuñiga, leader of the insurrectional movement, stated that “will reform democracy” and that it will release all political prisoners, including former interim president Jeanine Áñez, detained in March 2021 for the alleged crimes of “sedition, terrorism and conspiracy”, related to allegations of electoral fraud that resulted in Morales’ resignation.

“We want to restore democracy, to be a new democracy, a true democracy. The Army does not lack to ensure the future of our people,” he stated.

New appointments

General Andrés Zuñiga indicated that the commanders who are in charge of this military uprising have the duty and obligation to “recover the homeland”so they plan to “take” the Casa Grande del Pueblo, headquarters of the Executive Branch, and arrest Morales.

He added that although, “for now”recognize the authority of President Arce, will soon install a “new Cabinet”, with changes of ministers.

Meanwhile, Arce announced the dismissal of the entire military high command and the appointment of the generals José Wilson Sánchez Velázquez, Gerardo Zabala Álvarez and Renán Ramírezas commanders of the Army, Aviation and the National Navy, respectively.

“We are sure that with all this that is happening in our country and with this appointment we are going to appease unconstitutional appetites; We call on the Bolivian people to mobilize and remain calm because all Bolivians together are going to defeat any coup attempt,” Arce pointed out.

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