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Sen. Scott calls for Biden’s removal under 25th Amendment, alleges incapacity

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MIAMI.- Florida Republican Senator Rick Scott has stepped up his criticism of President Joe Biden and called for the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to be invoked to remove him from office. Scott argues that Biden has lost the ability to make decisions, endangering national security.

“We watched the debate, we watched the speech. We know that he doesn’t have the ability to make decisions. Someone else is making decisions for him,” Scott said on “Mornings with Maria.”

The 25th Amendment would allow Vice President Kamala Harris and a majority of the Cabinet to declare Biden unfit to serve. While Biden could challenge this decision, a supermajority of Congress would be needed to keep him in office.

Scott argues that the current situation with Biden, who is “not sure he can make decisions,” requires the application of the 25th Amendment and the election of a new president. Through the chain of command, Vice President Harris could assume presidential duties.

The senator on Sunday expressed his intention to introduce a resolution this week to pressure the Cabinet to invoke the amendment.


However, Scott also questioned Biden’s decision not to seek a second term, arguing that Kamala Harris, who did not win the Democratic primary, should not be in a position to succeed him.

“Democrats say Republicans are a threat to democracy. They are the threat to democracy,” Scott said.

The news comes at a time of growing political tension in the United States, as questions about the Biden administration intensify.

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