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Sena offers more than 700 vacancies to work abroad: there are salaries that exceed ten million pesos

Likewise, 80 vacancies are available for automotive painters and diesel engine mechanics, in Canada: Courtesy: Sena.

Through its Employment Agency, the SENA announced the 700 job vacancies abroad available at this time for Colombians interested in working in Germany, Ireland, Romania, the United States, Canada, Mexico and Spain.

Colombians interested in participating must comply with the 100% of the requested profile by the contractors and available on the labor intermediation platform of the SENA employability agency.

For Luz Dana Leal Ruiz, director of Employment, Work and Entrepreneurship of SENA, these calls contribute to the growth of both labor and aptitude of Colombians, in various areas of knowledge.

“We promote the rights, duties, and guarantees of Colombian migrants in their destination country and we prevent illegal migration and labor exploitation abroad,” said Leal.

The agency highlighted that several of the calls have as deadline May 29, 2023Therefore, he invited those interested to participate immediately. However, he also added that when the number of resumes required for the vacancies is met, the application will no longer be available.

Work in Germany:

In Germany there are 250 vacancies available for preschool teachers, surgical instruments, occupational therapists and nurses. Selected Colombians will receive a scholarship to study German before traveling.

All visa and ticket expenses will be assumed by the company. Those selected must have time to carry out the interview on the days, time and place agreed with the contractor.

The contract to be signed is indefinite and will have a full day of 40 hours per week. Salaries run for $12,500,001 to $15,000,000 monthly.

I work in the United States:

On the other hand, Colombians who wish to work in the United States will now be able to do so. The North American country is offering 200 opportunities for nurses in intensive care, emergencies and in the specialty medical surgical.

In turn, other positions are offered to employ 200 Colombians on North American soil with the following profiles: sales boosters and warehouse assistants.

Salaries run for $10,881,120 pesos and the $12,314,745 Colombian pesos per month. The call will be open until May 25, 2023.

Work in Mexico:

In the case of the Latin American country, close to 100 seats They are offered to Colombians who have a minimum of one year experience in the Agricultural areato fulfill tasks in crop management, harvesting and cleaning.

Work in Ireland:

Likewise, in this same line of work, Ireland offers three vacancies for Colombians with technological training in agricultural vehicle mechanics and/or with technical studies in this area of ​​training.

The duration of the contract is three years, with a salary of approximately 2,000 euros per month ($10,000,000 Colombian pesos per month). The working day will be 40 hours per week, from Monday to Saturday from 8 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon.

In addition, the Irish company has ten vacancies to fulfill trades in “agricultural horticulture”. The interested Colombian must have technical or technological training in horticulture cultivation and harvesting, specifically vegetables such as lettuce.

The working day will be 40 hours per week, divided from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. The location of the activity is in Wexford, Monroe, Ireland. The salary runs for 1,593 euros per month (approximately $8,000,000 Colombian pesos per month).

The SENA Employment Agency has 80 vacancies for automotive painters and Diesel engine mechanicsin Canada and 25 jobs for employment in Romania and Spain.

  • Romania: The nation in southeastern Europe is looking for 20 Colombians with intermediate-basic, technical or technological training related to gray and white work, interior finishing, among others, who are interested in doing work in that territory.
  • Spain: An important Spanish company is looking for five Colombian nurses who have training in “Nursing”, with an approved title in Spanish territory, and with experience in caring for patients in surgical hospitalization, medical hospitalization, emergencies or in the field of geriatric care.

The SENA specified that all those interested in international vacancies must carefully read the requirements published in the links linked to each of the profiles, which can be detailed directly on the portal of the Public Employment Agency.

Finally, the entity highlighted that all of SENA’s labor intermediation services are free and that, in addition, “the Public Employment Agency verifies and validates the companies and opportunities before publishing them, which provides guarantees of legality and veracity to job seekers. ”.

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