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Senator Ted Cruz accuses Venezuela of sending criminals to the US

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WASHINGTON.- He Texas Senator Ted Cruz He spoke on the subject of immigration and the insecurity associated with the illegal entry of immigrants a USA. In this regard, he stated that, in his opinion, the Nicolas Maduro regime is sending criminals it releases from its prisons to North America.

In an interview at the Republican Convention, Cruz said there are immigrants who have arrived from Venezuela illegallywho “have criminal records” and “are committing crimes” in the US. Cruz said the reason for this is that The Chavista regime has released these people to go to the United States.

“If you look at the case of Venezuela, I think that The Venezuelan government is deliberately emptying its prisons and sending its most dangerous individuals there. This reminds me of what Fidel Castro did with Mariel, when he emptied the prisons and sent rapists, murderers, crazy people to commit crimes” to the United States, Cruz said.

The senator expressed his support for immigration to come to the US in compliance with all the rules.

“I’m an immigrant, my father came from Cuba. But there’s a right way to do it. You come legally, you wait in line, you follow the rules. My view of immigration is in four words: legal is right, illegal is wrong. And most Americans agree with that, we should celebrate those who come legally for the American dream, but it makes no sense to release gang members, murderers, and violent criminals,” he said.

In June, Texas police arrested two undocumented Venezuelan immigrants for the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, whose lifeless body was found in a creek in Houston. Authorities determined she died by strangulation.

The detainees were identified as Johan José Martínez-Rangel, 22, and Franklin Peña Ramos, 26. Both had entered the United States illegally, according to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Department (ICE).

The two arrested face capital murder charges.

The issue of immigration and border policy is one of the most sensitive in the electoral context in the United States.

Recently, the Office of Asset Control of the US Department of the Treasury designated the Tren de Aragua as a criminal gang that was born in a Venezuelan prison and has spread throughout the continent, as a transnational criminal organization for activities that include human trafficking, gender violence, money laundering and drug trafficking.

“We will deploy all tools and authorities against organizations like Tren de Aragua that prey on vulnerable populations to generate revenue, engage in a variety of criminal activities across borders, and abuse the U.S. financial system,” said Brian Nelson, a U.S. Treasury official.

The Treasury Department also announced a reward of up to $12 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of the leaders of the Tren de Aragua.

Cruz is an American conservative lawyer and politician of Hispanic origin. He has been a United States senator for the state of Texas since 2013 and ran as a Republican candidate for the 2016 presidential election.

Source: With information from La Patilla / Telemundo / Voice of America

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